New Yorkers, Least Likely to Own Pets But Most Obsessed

New York might have one of the lowest pet ownership rates, but we spoil the heck out of them. New York might be known for its bustling cities and endless farmlands, but when it comes to pet ownership, New York ranks surprisingly low. While 66% of U.S. households have at least one pet, only 50% of New York households do.

Why? Space, lifestyle, and rental restrictions likely play a big role. While suburban and rural parts of the state have plenty of room for pets, large portions of the population live in apartments or rental properties where owning pets isn’t always easy.

But here’s the twist—when New Yorkers do have pets, they go all out. From high-end grooming to gourmet treats and pet birthday parties, New Yorkers spend more on their furry companions than pet owners in any other state.

Owning Pets in New York: The Numbers

Compared to other states, New York has a relatively low percentage of households that own pets. And while having pets is more common in rural areas, city dwellers and renters are less likely to have pets…

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