Broadway Triangle mixed use development awarded $9.9M as part of 5-year-affordable housing plan

BUSHWICK/WILLIAMSBURG — BARTLETT CROSSING, A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT in northern Brooklyn, has been awarded $9.9 million, as part of a 5-year plan to build or preserve 100,000 affordable units, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced on Monday. The governor, who publicized the award alongside Rep. Paul Tonko (D-20) said the funds are part of a $270 million total awarded through the federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and subsidies, to create or preserve more than 1,800 affordable, supportive and sustainable homes in 28 separate developments across the state. Bartlett Crossing is construction of a 78-unit, two-building, mixed-use development, with 1,200 square feet of retail space on two vacant lots owned by the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development.

Financing for the projects is allocated by New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR), which provided $61 million in Federal and State Low Income Housing Tax Credits and over $200 million in subsidy to support the 28 projects. When coupled with additional private funding and resources, the projects receiving funding are expected to create over $1 billion in total investment…

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