Home of alleged Apex shooter was ‘destroyed’ inside following arrest, documents reveal

The town of Apex is still trying to heal from the neighborhood shooting that ended the lives of two women.

37-year-old Gabrielle Raymond and 61-year-old Nancy Taylor were

both shot

and killed in front of their homes following a neighborhood disturbance where one of their neighbors, Harry Hardman, was screaming in the street and waving around a pool cue.

Police believe he

shot both women more than once

with a handgun before picking up a larger weapon, an assault rifle. When police arrived moments later, they said Hardman was holding the assault rifle in his driveway and started running into his home.

Officers then heard another gunshot that sounded like it came from behind his home. They moved to the back of his home, where they took him into custody without incident.


had blood on his pants and his wrist. Video of his arrest shows him speaking aggressively to the officers walking him to a police cruiser.

After his arrest, officers say they found Hardman’s home destroyed.

Story continues