Town of Apex holding vigil for 2 women killed in deadly shooting

Following a moment of silence at last week’s city council meeting the town will hold a vigil tonight at the town square honoring

69-year-old Nancy Taylor and 37-year-old Gabrielle Raymond


They were shot and killed right outside their home in the middle of the day by their neighbor

Harry Hardman

, according to police.

Hardman is behind bars with no bond facing 2 counts of felony murder charges and animal cruelty charges for killing his own dog as well.

Neighbors who attended the moment of silence during the city council meeting last week say just walking down the street feels weird.

Last week the town was lit up in purple and people brought flowers and candles to honor the victims.

“Purple is a symbol for healing. And we thought that would be a good display of community support in our water tower,” said Apex Mayor Jacques Gilbert.

The vigil will be held today from 5:15-5:45 p.m. on Town Hall Campus.

This story was originally published here.