Wake County Kindergarten teacher, mother killed in crash

A school community is grieving after the loss of a Kindergarten teacher in Raleigh.

Beaverdam Elementary School teacher, Rita Spensser, was killed in a

crash Tuesday in Clayton,

according to Beaverdam Principal, Stacie McGuirt.

McGuirt wrote a letter to parents following Spensser’s death:

“Our condolences, thoughts, and prayers go out to her family and friends. Please keep all of those that have been impacted by this loss in your hearts. We want to honor Rita’s family and be respectful of their needs of privacy at this time.”

The school is offering resources to students and families impacted by Spensser’s death.

“Our student services team continues to be available to support any students who need assistance as they move through this difficult time. We are a school family and we will continue to support one another as we process this loss and navigate this challenging time together,” McGuirt added.

“She’s the person that comes in a room and lights it up,” said Bumper Spensser.

Bumper married Rita in 2017, creating a blended family of six. A loving group who loved weekend trips to the beach and mountains, creating memories for a lifetime. Now, the wife, mother, and educator will live on in their hearts.

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