Durham Public Schools Starts Year With Bus Driver Shortage

This story originally published online at the 9th Street Journal.

Parents calling Durham Public Schools’ transportation services department recently with questions about their child’s school bus may have trouble getting through. Why? Ten members of transportation’s administrative staff have left their posts to help drive the buses.

At a DPS work session Thursday, Anthony S. Lewis, the school district’s new superintendent, acknowledged transportation trouble in the first few weeks of the school year. Lewis cited increased ridership and a bus driver shortage as the source of the disarray.

“And let me be clear,” Lewis said. “These are not excuses. I do think it’s hugely important for everyone in this community to know the current reality. And, it’s hugely important for everyone in this community to know what we’re doing about some of these challenges.”

Since the board’s August work session, rider requests in the school system increased by almost 5,000 students, the superintendent said. Meanwhile, the district is short 30 bus drivers, Mathew Palmer, senior executive director of school planning and operational services, said in response to an inquiry from The 9th Street Journal .

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