Portion of Airport Boulevard to close until Monday for ‘diverging diamond’ safety project

MORRISVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — The North Carolina Department of Transportation will close a portion of Airport Boulevard off Interstate 40 to make it a diverging diamond. However, the right turns on the interchange ramps will stay open to traffic.

“I would recommend anyone using it for the first time if they’ve not done, you know, a diverging diamond before slow down, give yourself a little extra space between you in the car in front of you, because you know, people are going to be looking for which way to go if they’re not familiar with the diverging diamond system,” said Kim Deaner, a public information officer for NCDOT.

The design allows for a lot of traffic to move through an intersection without increasing the amount of lanes or traffic signals. It’s also supposed to allow for easier access to the interstate. It’ll be the fourth diverging diamond open in the Raleigh-Durham area…

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