Hearing officer recommends reinstatement of embattled obstetrician Samuel Chacon’s medical license

Four months after the Nevada Medical Board suspended Reno gynecologist Samuel Chacon’s license to practice, a hearing officer has recommended it be reinstated.

The 13-page decision, released Monday, came from Reno attorney Charles Woodman, who was assigned to be the hearing officer in the case.

The medical board had temporarily suspended Chacon’s license in September, accusing him of treating a woman with a high-risk pregnancy even though his hospital privileges at Renown Regional Medical Center had been suspended in 2022. Chacon had advised the patient, who was carrying twins, to go to the emergency room when it was time to deliver, the board report said.

“Pregnancy can be a very difficult and dangerous prospect in the best of circumstances,” wrote Ian Cumings, deputy general counsel for the medical board. “This is even more true in a twin pregnancy, where preterm labor and neonatal death of a baby are higher than a single pregnancy.”

Chacon and Woodman both agreed that Chacon should not see obstetric patients until a formal hearing is conducted, but Woodman’s recommendation leaves open the option for him to immediately resume practicing medicine.

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