Nevada Medical Board keeps embattled obstetrician Samuel Chacon’s license suspended

Reno gynecologist Samuel Chacon’s license will remain suspended, despite a recommendation it be conditionally reinstated.

The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners suspended Chacon’s license in September, accusing him of treating a woman with a high-risk pregnancy even though his hospital privileges at Renown Regional Medical Center had been suspended in 2022. Chacon had advised the patient, who was carrying twins, to go to the emergency room when it was time to deliver, the board report said.

The emergency suspension over the potential risk Chacon put the patient in, and the possibility others were at risk, was debated in a two-day hearing that concluded Jan. 19 with a recommendation from hearing officer Charles Woodman .

Woodman wrote in his recommendation, “The credible expert testimony here is that Dr. Chacon does not pose a threat to the public.”

He recommended that Chacon be allowed to practice medicine if he didn’t treat obstetric patients until a formal hearing is conducted.

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