Reno ranks pretty good with book-learning Reno Memo

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Reno is a top-10 city for educational attainment, according to a new study. And this isn’t one of those weird studies that throws in a ton of random numbers like astronomers per capita and reality dating show viewership … this is just a straight-up ranking based on the percentage of residents 25 and older who have a bachelor’s degree (we ranked fourth!). On the downside, however: our local high-school dropout rate of 10.75% ( around double the national average ) and the racial disparity in degree attainment was relatively high among the top 10 cities.

Still, Forbes Advisor’s study put us ninth overall in the country — Jason Hidalgo has more .

Across the ballooniverse

It’s balloon season once again, and not a moment too soon — the north side of town really could use some color in the sky other than grayish brown from the still-0%-contained Bear Fire . The Great Reno Balloon Race continues through Sunday, and this year’s balloon lineup includes — we’re not kidding — a balloon shaped like a balloon festival .

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