Heartbreaking But Beautiful Footage Shows Wild Horses Fleeing Nevada Fires

Humans were not the only ones fleeing the tragic fire in Nevada. A herd of wild horses was caught on camera running from the flames, as well. While the reason these beautiful creatures fled was sad, the scene of the herd running together was quite majestic for everyone who witnessed it.

Nevada Fires Send Wild Horses Fleeing

Fox Weather reported that “a massive fire that burned nearly 6,000 acres in western Nevada” is what caused this herd of horses to find safer ground. The fire had gotten so bad that “more than 700 personnel were assigned to the blaze.”

Additionally, the fire “was thought to have destroyed over a dozen structures” and caused a state of emergency. Local firefighters attribute a combination of dry terrain and winds to the fire’s ability to move rapidly and erratically.

Fox Weather also shared that the latest U.S. Drought Monitor showed “the entire state of Nevada was dealing with unusually dry conditions with around 33% officially drought conditions, which can cause smaller plants to dry up.” When in drought, fire danger increases.

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