Great Basin Brewing Co. was recently ranked No. 28 in Geek Nexus ‘ list of theĀ “Top 120 Dive Bars in America with Great Food.”
RGJ readers disagreed. Ed Park summed it up on Facebook: “Great Basin is not a dive bar by any stretch of the imagination.”
What do locals think qualifies as a dive bar?
“A dive bar has to be old (with) dilapidated furnishing and an odd smell filled (with) old people of limited financial means and cheap drink,” Park wrote in an email to the RGJ.
On Facebook, readers concurred: Great Basin is not a dive bar. But their reasons for why varied.
“I don’t think of it as a dive bar. Way too nice for that title,” Cecilia Meyer wrote.
“Any place that still allows smoking inside” is a dive bar, Kenny Sechrengost commented, adding Great Basin does not.
“The pretzel is over $10. That’s not a dive bar,” Brandon Siri chimed in.
“If Great Basin is a dive bar, then my Grandma is Mike Tyson,” Zachary Smith commented. (We checked: Zachary’s Grandma is not Mike Tyson.)