DMV warning Southern Nevadans of ‘odometer fraud’ after Reno man loses thousands

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) – It’s not a new scam, but it’s being done in a new way. Sellers are winding back the mileage on cars’ odometers, cheating buyers out of their hard-earned money.

After a recent case in Reno, the Chief of Nevada DMV’s Enforcement Division is warning Southern Nevadans of the growing trend, particularly with social media sales. J.D. Decker says people are using ‘diagnostic devices,’ meant for mechanics to diagnose what’s going on with a vehicle, to manipulate a vehicle’s odometer.

He says now that cars have digital odometers, the scam is getting easier — but harder to catch. This is especially true with vehicles coming from out of state because the Nevada DMV does not have any vehicle records…

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