Getting kids signed up for swim lessons to prepare for summer

Summer is almost here and with that comes many fun activities, including swimming! Living in Reno, we have Lake Tahoe close by, the Truckee River, and many pools to choose from, but these places can also be dangerous if kids don’t know how to swim.

“It’s super important to get those swimming lessons before summer rolls around, so that way when summer is here your kid already has that basic knowledge of swimming, and they aren’t going to be scared if they want to go to the water park for the weekend,” says Madison Baker, the Aquatics Director at Parkway Athletic Club.

According to the CDC:

  • Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 4
  • Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 5-14.
  • Every year in the United States there are over 4,000 unintentional drowning deaths.

Baker says this is why it is important to get kids in the water as soon as possible…

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