Police, family searching for missing Richmond father last seen walking barefoot

RICHMOND, Va. — Salvador Ortiz, the father of three young children hasn’t been seen by his family in five days.

However, what the 31-year-old left at home has investigators saying it is suspicious, and family and friends saying that he has never done this before.

Ortiz was last seen the night of January 19, wearing socks, but no shoes, pacing inside the Azteca Restaurant on Richmond Highway with his arms folded.

https://img.particlenews.com/image.php?url=0chGVu_0qwwpvp100 WTVR
Surveillance video of Ortiz

Nine seconds of surveillance video are the last time Ortiz was seen on camera in the area.

“The day he left was really cold. He had no jacket and no shoes, that’s why we are looking for him,” Ortiz’s brother Fernando said.

Richmond police say the father of three was under the influence of alcohol at the time. Family members believe the drinking may have fueled erratic behavior at first, but now being five days off the grid, they fear something far worse has happened to their loved one.

“We’ve reached out to GRTC but so far the preliminary is he hasn’t gotten on any buses and we can’t see anywhere where someone picked him up.”

Story continues