As Youngkin takes an axe to the deep state, what could possibly go wrong?

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin being greeted before presenting his proposed budget recommendations for the 2024-26 biennial on Dec. 20 at the General Assembly Building in Richmond. (Nathaniel Cline/VIrginia Mercury)

The letter landed in email inboxes Monday morning like a grenade tucked into a plain manila envelope. In keeping with Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s Executive Directive Number One requiring agencies to eliminate 25% of government regulations “not mandated by federal or state statute,” the administration planned to take its axe to the building code.

Yes, the building code . The Board of Housing and Community Development has been told to remove a quarter of the rules that protect homes and businesses against fires, bad weather and shoddy workmanship.

The Board only last summer completed its triennial update of the Virginia building code, so you’d think they would have removed any unnecessary provisions already. But that’s not the point. The point is that the Axe of Freedom must fall wherever regulations gather in big bunches, and the building code is, by definition, a bunch of regulations.

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