Richmond man arrested for killing ‘Hollywood Buck’

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) has announced that it has arrested and charged a Richmond man in connection to illegal hunting of several deer, including the “renowned Hollywood Buck .”

According to the department, 36-year-old Jason Walters of Richmond was arrested on Sunday, Jan. 28 and is facing 19 wildlife violations in connection to the illegal killing of three deer in Virginia. Thirty-six-year-old Alan Proffitt of Richmond, who is believed to be an accomplice of Walters, is also facing pending charges.

In December 2023, Walter posted photos of himself with a “nontypical” 29-point buck — a buck with 29 points of its antlers — on Facebook, claiming the deer was found in Prince Edward County. Some Facebook users who saw the photos recognized the buck as one that frequented Richmond’s Hollywood Cemetery and contacted the department, suspecting it had been killed illegally.

According to the department, the investigation involved 10 search warrants and resulted in officers recovering two sets of antlers, one of which was from the “Hollywood Buck.” According to Major Ryan Shuler, Deputy Chief of DWR Law Enforcement, said his officers “devoted countless hours” investigating the case.

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