Phallic-shaped bushes briefly adorned a Richmond park

Karri here, still basking in the glow of this glorious Richmond week.

What’s happening: It began with the story of a viral gun hole . News of its filling hit the spot in the middle, and now it ends with the story of a phallic-shaped collection of shrubbery someone erected in a city park.

For at least two months, the wiener-shaped topiary was nestled at just the tip of the city-owned Kanawha Plaza, according to an Axios review of Reddit posts and pictures shared by sharp-eyed readers.

  • It was there as early as the beginning of December, per our review, and there for the city’s family-friendly RVA Illuminates holiday celebration.

But, alas, someone (no one knows who) got too excited about the news and spilled it all over Twitter Wednesday night.

  • A city crew was dispatched Thursday morning, and the bushes were trimmed.

Post bush trimming. Image: Courtesy of maybe the best reader

And so Richmond’s phallic-shaped topiary is no more. But know that it existed, even for a moment, and was the climax of this incredible week.

Story continues