Petersburg: Mayor presents ‘Key to the City’ to Ann C. Taylor at her 89th birthday party

PETERSBURG — Ann C. Taylor, one of Petersburg’s most influential citizens, received a “Key to the City” at her 89th birthday celebration last month. The event held at the Petersburg Public Library Conference and Event Center on January 6 was filled with excitement, VIPs, laughter, memories, hugs-a-plenty and gratitude.

Rick Elliott entertained guests with his sax and keys while they mingled. He was blown away by how much once-in-a-lifetime history was in the room.

“It was definitely a who’s who Tri-Cities audience as well as prominent local speakers and elected officials,” Elliott posted on Facebook. “I had the pleasure of meeting Ret. Lt. Gen. Arthur Gregg, one of the officers Fort Lee was renamed after, the first Black Lieutenant General of the Army, “only” 95 years young and still sharp as a tack. Also had the pleasure of meeting Ret. Lt. General “Kip” Ward, a heavyweight in his own right. Both were very personable and outgoing. And I would be remised if I didn’t acknowledge Mrs. Taylor’s husband Ret. Colonial Dr. P.T. Taylor Jr. who is a local legend in the Petersburg community and beyond.”

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