Petersburg will begin seeking proposals from vendors for projected casino

PETERSBURG – While it waits for the legislative green-light on a possible casino referendum, Petersburg will start the initial paperwork process Monday morning.

That’s when the city will send out a Request for Proposal from potential casino developers, a pivotal step in the process. The RFP asks for bids on a “comprehensive economic development project” that would include a “destination resort, real estate development, retail, event venue and casino,” according to a statement released Sunday by the city.

The RFP was part of a unanimous vote on a resolution during a special City Council meeting Friday. Earlier in the day Friday, the state Senate passed legislation that would add Petersburg to the list of five casino-host cities located in strategic parts of the state. The House of Delegates is expected to adopt the Senate legislation, and Gov. Glenn Youngkin is expected to sign it.

Should all the legislative and executive hurdles be cleared, Petersburg could vote on the casino as early as next November.

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