Richmond Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 1361 Incidents and 21 Crime Stories

Richmond Feb 18 Weekly Crime Report: 1361 Incidents and 21 Crime Stories

During the last week, Richmond reported a total of 1361 crime cases, with a significant majority of 831 cases falling under the category of ‘Other’. The data also revealed that theft, with 109 instances, was the second most common crime, closely followed by assault, which had 98 reported cases. Suspicious situations were reported 88 times, while domestic-related incidents accounted for 79 cases. Trespassing, vandalism, burglary, shootings, and robbery also made up the list of reported crimes with 51, 41, 24, 23, and 9 cases respectively. From the data, it is clear that the place remains under the grip of various crime types, with the ‘Other’ category being the most prevalent. The relatively high number of theft and assault cases also raise concerns about the safety of the residents.

Incidents Last Week
Other 831
Theft 109
Assault 98
Suspicious Situation 88
Domestic Related 79
Trespass 51
Vandalism 41
Burglary 24
Shooting 23
Robbery 9

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