Vote on raises for Petersburg employees comes after councilor walks out in dissent

PETERSBURG – A seemingly routine vote to adopt the city’s revised operating budget Tuesday took an unexpected turn when one councilor abruptly left the meeting after no one sided with him to apply $1.4 million in interest funding toward reducing Petersburg’s real estate tax rate by two cents.

Ward 4 Councilor Charlie Cuthbert told his colleagues to “call me on my cell phone” if they agreed with him before he gathered his belongings and left the dais. Cuthbert stayed backstage for the subsequent vote, then returned to his seat after the meeting was adjourned and walked out again.

Asked by The Progress-Index outside the Petersburg Public Library to comment on his action, Cuthbert did not, saying he needed to speak with City Attorney Tony Williams. He then flagged down Williams who had already started to drive away, and the two men sat in Williams’ car for several minutes.

Cuthbert told The Progress-Index he would be making a statement later.

His opposition

Tuesday’s tension came during a specially called City Council meeting to address the budget vote as well as acceptance of Petersburg’s waste pick-up contract with Meridian Waste Services.

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