The Glorifying God Free Clothing Store is in need of help to stay open

PETERSBURG , Va. — Days after CBS 6 introduced you to Kendrina Simmons and the Glorifying God Free Clothing Store she runs in Petersburg , Simmons said donations poured in from all over the area.

“The communities have been so good, I mean we had people from Richmond all the way to Petersburg coming and giving,” said Simmons. “We have a backroom about the length of this store, and it’s filled up on both sides and the outside. We have so much stuff and we have been able to meet a lot of needs in the community.”

Simmons works hard to keep this store open and is now in need of the community’s help to keep up.

“I have three jobs as of now,” said Simmons. “I make sure I work around this, this comes first.”

When she’s not here she’s working numerous jobs even recently picking up another one to afford the rent, electricity, and supplies needed to keep the store tidy.

“I’m willing to make that sacrifice to keep it going but it’s becoming challenging,” said Simmons.

She said it’s becoming difficult to pay for everything by herself and has once again asked the community for help.

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