Neighbors concerned as police seek driver who killed a man crossing the street

PETERSBURG, Va. — Police are looking for the driver who struck and killed a man walking on County Drive (Route 460) in Petersburg on Sunday night.

John Ferby, who lives along that stretch of road, met the victim the night before and has concerns every time he has to cross the 2200 block of County Drive near S. Jamestown Drive.

“We just take our chances when we do it,” Ferby said. “It’s just about the worst place in the world because if you don’t get a break in the traffic, you can’t get across.”

Ferby said crossing 460 on foot is sometimes the only way people who live in the motels on one side of the street can get to the store to buy food and other necessities on the other side of the street. WTVR

“Oh it’s dangerous, no question about it,” business owner Jim Whelan said. “I believe we need to have a stoplight there to stop the traffic and then you have pedestrians crossing that stops traffic both ways.”

Both Ferby and Whelan would like to see the speed limit lowered and increased police enforcement of traffic law.

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