Va. congresswoman urges ‘enforcement action’ over Petersburg apartments issues

PETERSBURG, Va. — A Virginia congresswoman is adding her voice to those concerned about conditions and ongoing issues at the Carriage House Apartments in Petersburg.

“We thought that these issues were going to be addressed. They still haven’t been addressed. So, we’re looking at additional oversight activities,” said Rep. Jennifer McClellan (VA-04).

CBS 6’s Wayne Covil has been reporting on problems at the complex for months and McClellan said her office began to get complaints from residents in June.

“We opened a case file, we’ve been in touch with HUD, and we got some response from them,” she said.

Along with Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine , McClellan said she has reached out to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which has oversight of the property.

“We want to make sure that HUD is using all of its authority and resources to address the problem and make sure that the property owner is meeting its requirements and duties under federal law. And to the extent they’re not, that there’s an enforcement action,” she added.

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