Food & Wine says Duke’s Mayo is the best

It’s official, Duke’s Real Mayonnaise is the best overall mayo around , according to Food & Wine staffers who taste tested more than 30 of them.

Why it matters: It’s hard, empirical mayo evidence that backs up what Richmonders (and most folks in the South ) already knew — that Duke’s and its egg yolk-heavy “twang” is the best in class.

Yes, but: Food & Wine also said that Hellmann’s is the best for BLTs and sandwiches in general, which Richmonders know is a lie . Obviously.

What they’re saying: “Where [Duke’s] really shines is its generous use of vinegar — the combination of distilled and cider vinegars adds a balancing zing that cuts through the richness,” Food & Wine wrote. “Duke’s can be the supporting character or the star of the show in just about any dish.”

Worth noting: Duke’s only has about 6% of mayo market share compared to Hellmann’s 50% , making the Richmond-owned condiment a clear underdog. And Richmond loves an underdog.

This story was originally published here.