VADOC accepting volunteer applications to help inmates stay out of prison after release

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — The Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) has announced that it is accepting applications for volunteer roles as part of Governor Glenn Youngkin’s initiative to help inmates stay out of prison after they’re released.

Youngkin’s Executive Order 36, which establishes what is being referred to as the “Stand Tall, Stay Strong, Succeed Together” initiative, aims to improve the success of inmates once they’re released and prevent them from returning to prison.

Anyone interested in volunteering can complete an application, submit to a background check and disclose anyone they know who is incarcerated or under VADOC supervision.

According to the department, volunteers must meet the following requirements to be considered:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older and possess valid, government-issued identification
  • Must not be under VADOC supervision, however, exceptions may be granted
  • Be of good reputation, good character and have a desire to serve humanity

Roles include local facility volunteers, statewide volunteers, local reentry resource volunteers and statewide reentry resource volunteers.

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