Richmond urges state lawmakers to ‘keep investing’ in city schools

RICHMOND, Va. — A day after Virginia released the most recent Standards of Learning (SOL) results that saw the majority of school divisions see improved scores, Richmond Public School (RPS) officials celebrated their inclusion in that category.

“We at RPS are most definitely on the rise,” said Superintendent Jason Kamras. “These are truly historic gains.”

RPS saw increases in the pass rates all five categories: a 3% increase in Reading (46.28% to 49.38%), a 10% increase in Writing (38.75% to %48.90), a 3% increase in History and Social Science (39.27% to 42.75%), a 3% increase in Mathematics (43.75% to 46.44%) and a 10% increase in Science (34.55% to 44.87%).

“Particularly in elementary school when you look at our gains, the growth we are making is outpacing the growth that the state as a whole is making,” added Kamras.

Kamras credited several factors for the increase, including strong leadership at each school, addressing chronic absenteeism, and programs for their English as a Second Language population.

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