Neighbors push for change on busy Richmond road

RICHMOND, Va. — Residents along Semmes Avenue in Richmond are once again calling for improvements to make that stretch of road safer after a crash on Wednesday left one motorcyclist dead .

Pippa Holloway and Amanda Kail have lived at a house about four blocks away from that crash since 2021.

“Living on Semmes is quite an adventure,” said Holloway. “It’s loud, it’s scary, it’s a tough street.”

“We often hear squealing tires and collisions and crashes and, you know, it’s concerning,” added Kail.

Holloway said they have seen so many crashes that neighbors have developed an ad-hoc response to them.

“I’ve got a safety vest that I wear. We know to be aware of people — after an accident, they tend to get out of their car and head into the street. So we’ve learned that if we’re helping someone out of a car to bring them this way. We get them a Coke or a drink — we’ve had people go into diabetic shock,” she added. WTVR

Kail even took the front bumper of a crash about two years ago in front of their house and painted “Hey, slow down” as a message to other drivers.

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