Kabuto Japanese House of Steaks was the first Japanese restaurant in Richmond, Virginia

Kabuto Japanese Steak House was the first Japanese restaurant in the Richmond, Virginia area. It has been serving authentic hibachi-style Japanese cuisine since 1978.

There are two locations to accommodate customers on both sides of the city.

About Kabuto Japanese Steak House

Don’t worry. You don’t need to know how to speak or understand the Japanese language to love the Kabuto food and experience. You might eat with others at your table even if they are not in your party.

Meals at Kabuto Japanese Steak House


Meals at Kabuto Japanese Steak HousePhoto byKabuto Japanese Steak House Screenshot

Kabuto has a simple yet profound philosophy. The owners want guests to come as they are and enjoy authentic Japanese cuisine in a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere.


Kabuto Japanese Steak House MealsPhoto byKabuto Japanese Steak House Screenshot

All five senses

All five senses are engaged during a visit to Kabuto.

  • Sight: Customers see how the food is prepared right before your eyes at the table.
  • Sound: Visitors hear the sound of the knives clicking and clanking as talented chefs use them in a precise and entertaining manner.
  • Smell: The aroma of the food fills the air as customers look on.
  • Touch: When the food is ready, the chef divides it. Guests pick up their portions and begin to eat.
  • Taste: After the presentation, customers will enjoy the delicious food.

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