Are you a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s? These free support groups may be for you.

Are you a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s disease living in the Tri-Cities? You’re not alone.

In Virginia, Alzheimer’s disease is most prevalent in the Southside of the state, including the Tri-Cities.

In Petersburg, 18 percent of residents aged 65+ live with Alzheimer’s—the highest rate in the state. The second highest rate—15.5 percent—is in Sussex County, followed by Portsmouth County and Richmond.

One of the reasons that Alzheimer’s rates are so high in Petersburg and Southside Virginia is the higher overall percentage of Black residents. Black Americans are twice as likely as their white counterparts to get  Alzheimer’s—largely due to environmental racism, food desserts and other structural racism issues that impact majority Black communities. Meanwhile, half of Black Americans say that they’ve experienced discrimination while seeking Alzheimer’s care.

Free Petersburg, Hopewell and other Alzheimer’s caregivers support groups

If you live in the Tri-Cities or nearby and have experienced these or other issues, the Alzheimer’s Association hosts free local support groups conducted by trained facilitators for caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s.

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