‘I just want it to be safe’: Monument Avenue resident concerned about speeding drivers

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Caroline Bowers says the speed limit sign is not enough to slow down drivers outside her home on Monument Avenue in Richmond. Since moving to the street around two and a half years ago, she said she has seen crashes on the street as often as every two weeks.

“I’ve reached out to the city, I’ve reached out to the police department, I’ve reached out to the people that [oversee] the roads and transportation and everyone just wants to put it off on someone else and not take responsibility or accountability,” Bowers said.

Bowers said that increased enforcement, as well as some of the traffic calming measures already present in other neighborhoods — such as speed tables near Carytown and raised crosswalks in Scott’s Addition — could help address the presence of dangerous drivers on Monument Avenue.

“I think the most important thing is to have someone police this area during the peak hours of the day,” Bowers said. “Possibly the speed cameras, those speed humps that they’re putting in, even those little things that tell you you’re speeding and you need to slow down.”

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