Richmond news photographer Regina Boone shares her cancer story

RICHMOND, Va. — For decades, Richmond news photographer Regina Boone has told compelling stories through the lens of her camera. But these days, the Richmond Free Press photographer is telling her own story.

In June 2023, Boone was planning her September wedding when she received some news she didn’t expect: she had breast cancer.

“My mind just started spinning for a second, and I was like, okay, get it together. It’ll be fine. We’ll beat this. I’ll beat this,” she said.

An annual mammogram discovered Boone’s tumor.

A month later, she underwent a lumpectomy.

Before starting chemotherapy and radiation, she had one request for her doctors — to put off treatment until after her wedding.

Boom said she needed to enjoy that celebration for her soul. WTVR

“I think that I fed off of that happiness, that joy, that energy,” she said.

Days after her wedding, Boone’s rounds of treatment began. Sickness and weakness soon followed.

“I really wasn’t feeling myself. I was sleeping a lot. There’s no way I could be in the streets,” she said.

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