How Virginia Commonwealth University’s large security camera system adds to campus safety

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Virginia Commonwealth University’s (VCU) vast security camera system has continued to aid VCU Police officers in investigations, according to officials, as well as contributing to the safety of university students, faculty and staff.

According to a VCU News article , the university has a system of more than 1,800 cameras located across both the Monroe Park and MCV campuses, which are strategically placed to cover the most traversed areas.

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The cameras allow officers to pull usable photo or video evidence in cases against people, crimes against property, vehicle crashes, missing persons and more, according to the university.

“Ultimately, there are not many places on the [Monroe Park] or MCV campus that a person could go and not be caught on camera,” said Lee Olds, interim deputy chief of VCU Police, in VCU News’ report. “The goal [for the camera system] is to catch the person committing the crime, coming or going from the scene, or all of the above.”

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