Eat 33 Diner is a place for meals that are delicious and affordable in Richmond, Virginia

Eat 33 Diner is at 6901 Staples Mill Road, Richmond, VA 23228. If you are wondering about its name, it is named after its location on U.S. 33.

Eat 33 serves delicious and affordable meals in a casual atmosphere that has a lot of nostalgia. When you want a good meal to start your day, Eat 33 is just the place to do so.


Breakfast is served all day. Favorite meals include pancakes or a breakfast sandwich with scrambled eggs, ham, American and Swiss cheese on grilled sourdough bread served with roasted red potatoes.

Blueberry PancakesPhoto byYelp Screenshot

All the meals are big, especially the Big City Breakfast, which consists of three eggs, two meats (sausage, bacon, ham, bologna, or fat back), hash browns (or apples), and a biscuit (or toast).

Big Breakfast at Eat 33Photo byYelp Screenshot

One reviewer wrote on Yelp:

“The bacon was exquisite. Crunchy and salty and melting in your mouth. The ham was not a slice or a piece. It was a slab. A monstrous slab of ham. If I could do it over again, I’ll get sides of bacon and bacon. That bacon, it made one weep, it was so good.”

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