Frustration grows among those waiting on Social Security disability claims

RICHMOND, Va – People from Virginia and beyond say they’re struggling to navigate a system meant to help those unable to work. They’re applying for disability benefits through the Social Security Administration (SSA), but their claims are getting stuck in what feels like limbo.

“It’s just a waiting game now. So I’m just like, how long are we supposed to wait?” Tammie Tyler, A Virginian handling the application process for her disabled brother, told CBS 6 investigative reporter Tyler Layne.

It’s not just Virginians facing delays.

“Your case is pending, your case is pending. No updates, no nothing. It’s completely frustrating,” said James Moore from Massachusetts. WTVR

“They’re delaying at every turn in every way, shape, form and fashion possible,” said Jon Bailey from North Carolina.

While they wait, financial hardships are multiplying.

“I’ve lost everything I’ve owned. I’ve lost my truck. I’ve lost my motorcycle. I have no transportation,” said Jeffrey Silverman from Utah.

And for some, their mental health is plummeting.

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