Authorities ramp up patrols ahead of New Year’s to combat drunk driving

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — With New Year’s celebrations just days away, safety officials are urging drivers to avoid the dangers of drunk driving.

The period between Christmas and New Year’s often sees a spike in alcohol-related traffic fatalities, and Virginia law enforcement is taking action to prevent these tragedies.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving accounts for 31% of traffic deaths annually, but that figure rises to nearly 40% during the holiday season.

Last year, Henrico County saw an 8% increase in drunk driving deaths, while Chesterfield County experienced a 25% increase — equating to an average of one fatality per day.

“Even if you say, ‘I’m not going out for New Year’s’ or ‘I don’t drink’… there’s still a role we can all play,” said Kurt Erickson, the director of Virginia’s “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign.

The consequences of drunk driving can be far-reaching. Erickson highlighted to 8News the randomness of its impact.

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