Earthquake Watch Issued for Southern California Now Through February 8th; a Foreshock was Detected

Southern California Weather Force has issued an Earthquake Watch effective now through February 8th for the chance of a stronger earthquake occurring onthe San Andreas or San Jacinto Fault Zoon.

At 10:55am Pacific Time on January 5th, 2024, a magnitude 4.2 earthquake occurred along the junction point of the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault zones. This area last shook with a foreshock in the 1970s, which is what this might be.

We just had another one at 7:43pm on January 24th, 2024 in the same location, a bit southeast of it on the junction point.

Timing was off, but the prediction here at Southern California Weather Force remains the same. We are due to have one soon, as I stated would happen.

At the current time, no aftershocks have been recorded. This means this very well could be a foreshock, or shock before the mainshock. You can think of it as holding onto a ledge. A finger slips and you get a jolt. You still have the rest of your hand left before you finally let go and slip completely. That is my analogy of a foreshock.

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