Can my neighbor put up offensive campaign signs on their property? What California law says

As Election Day approaches, campaign signs are popping up along California streets and in front yards.

A reader in Highland asked our journalists with How to California — a community-driven series to help readers navigate life in the Golden State : “Is my neighbor breaking any laws with his campaign signs? We (his neighbors) find them highly offensive.”

What are the rules about campaign signs in California?

What can you do if your neighbor puts up offensive campaign signs on their property?

Here’s what California law says:

What are the rules about campaign signs in California?

California law allows temporary campaign signs near roads during election season, but they must follow specific guidelines.

Signs can only be put up 90 days before Election Day and must be removed within 10 days after the election.

They also cannot exceed 32 square feet or be placed within 660 feet of highways.

Placing signs on private property without consent is prohibited, and only property owners or authorized staff can remove signs .

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