While saving injured shepherd from freeway rescuer spots stray nursing mom dog snatching bits of kibble

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This weekend had been busy days for rescuers Faith Easdale and Jim Ralston in Muscoy, California. On Saturday, while Jim had been trying to track down an injured shepherd running much too close to the freeway, he noticed a small dog grabbing bits of kibble he had left as food for the other dog. She would quickly snatch a few bits into her mouth and flee as quickly as she could.

And of course there’s more surprises to every rescue, since stray and abandoned dogs don’t come with one size fits all situations. What a surprise when Jim captured the adorable little fluffy puppy, and she still had been nursing puppies.

And the search began. He put the mom on a long slip lead, and let her do the rest.

she tried to go under a fence. we knew that’s where she went in and out for food…

Story continues