LOS ANGELES – Sea lions and other ocean mammals in Southern California are falling victim to a poisoning event that a local expert calls the worst in recent memory. It is stranding the mammals along the coast as warnings are issued to beachgoers of the threat posed by animals that are transformed by their illness.
A surfer reported an attack by a sea lion that was “feral, almost demonic” as he was on his board off Ventura County on Friday. Rj LaMendola said the animal bit him as he surfed off Oxnard, shaking its head and dragging him off his surfboard. He said on Facebook that as he paddled away terrified, the sea lion continued to stalk him.
Ingesting domoic acid from harmful algal blooms can cause sea lions to have seizures or to crane their heads in a motion known as “stargazing.” They can also fall into a comatose state. But experts advise people not to interact with animals believed to be sick because, without warning, they might aggressively lunge or even bite…