Clean Sweep volunteers remove debris from Rochester neighborhoods

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) – Every spring Innovative Field in Rochester hosts Clean Sweep Saturday where volunteers get the opportunity to head out to project sites in Rochester neighborhoods to help keep the city clean. Volunteers received a free Clean Sweep t-shirt and enjoy a light breakfast before heading to their assigned locations. Student volunteers can receive Participation in Government certificates.

Volunteers will also receive a free ticket to that day’s Red Wings baseball game and a voucher for food and drinks at the game. Those wearing Clean Sweep shirts will get to park for free.

According to city officials, volunteers also plant flowers, prune trees and work on other neighborhood beautification projects. City crews will also repair sidewalks, fill potholes, and remove graffiti.

Since Clean Sweet Saturday was first launched in 2006, thousands of volunteers have participated in Clean Sweep, working alongside City of Rochester crews to remove debris and litter from city neighborhoods.

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