Ibero American Action League is offering a free program for start-up businesses

The Ibero American Action League plans to offer a free program through their business center for the fall season.

Since 1979, the Ibero American Action League’s business center has been helping minority and women-owned businesses find resources and grow. Now, with the new Business Start-Up program, aspiring entrepreneurs can take free classes on how to turn their ideas into a business. Participants will also have the opportunity to:

  • Learn from experienced mentors
  • Complete their business model canvas
  • Connect with other entrepreneurs
  • Earn a certificate upon completion
  • Receive a professionally designed logo

The program is free with registration and starts on Monday, Sep. 23. Classes will be held Mondays and Wednesdays until Nov. 11 at 6951 Williams Road in Niagra Falls, NY. Once the program is complete, participants will be eligible for an optional business pitch competition to win money for their startup. The first-place winner will receive a grand prize of $2,500 and a free website.

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