Four teens arrested after fight at Rockford high school

Rockford Police Department officers arrested four Auburn High School students Friday after fights broke out in the school, forcing administration to place the building on lockdown.

Police say they responded to a large fight about 11:45 a.m. and the building was placed on lockdown while the fight was broken up. A second altercation took place shortly afterward when arrests were made of 14, 15, 16, and 17-year-old boys, all for resisting arrest. The 16 year old was additionally charged with aggravated battery to a police officer.

All of the students who were taken into custody were later released to their parents or guardians.

More: Fights lead to lockdown at Rockford Auburn High School

In a letter sent to parents Sunday night, Auburn High School officials said no weapons were involved in the incident and seemed to suggest that the incident stemmed from something that started outside of school.

“Many situations that occur at school are often known about or deeply rooted in happenings outside of the school environment,” the statement said. “It’s now more critical than ever to remind students and families that if they ‘see something, say something.’ Students are encouraged to report information to administration or a trusted member of staff when they know of escalating events.”

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