Homicides in California dropped by 14% in 2023. Guns were still the most used weapon by far

California had a 14.2% drop in the number of homicides reported last year as the state continued a recent downward trend, but guns are still overwhelmingly the most common weapon used to kill someone.

There were 1,892 homicides reported last year throughout the state, a decline from the 2,206 reported in 2022 and 2,361 ides in 2021, according to the 2023 Homicide in California report released Monday by the state Attorney General’s Office. It was among several criminal justice statistical reports released.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta said the statistical information is essential to understand, prevent and combat crime and encourage local groups, policymakers and law enforcement “to review the data and recommit to taking action.”

“We must continue to act to combat crime and keep our communities safe,” Bonta said in a news release. “While crime rates remain significantly below their historical highs, there is always more work to be done to protect public safety in our communities. To do so, we must have accountability and appropriate consequences for those who break the law.”

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