Elk Grove cracks down on unlicensed street food vendors

Elk Grove code enforcement cracks down un unpermitted street food carts 01:52

ELK GROVE — Code enforcement officers are cracking down on illegal street food vendors in Elk Grove.

Officials say complaints about these types of businesses have been heating up.

“We don’t know if they are operating in a safe and healthy manner and the concern is for public health,” said Kristyn Laurence with the City of Elk Grove.

“We have these scofflaws that know if they set up after 5 p.m., then county health has gone home for the day and they’re not going to get inspected and they’re not going to be held to any standards,” said Pat Hume, Sacramento County supervisor.

In California, sidewalk food vendors are required to have a health permit from the county.

“There are definite steps and education that have to be taken and proven that you are operating in a way that’s safe and healthy for the public,” Laurence said. “We don’t want people to get sick.”

So how can you tell if a roadside vendor has the proper license?

Story continues