Two weeks after St. Louis sued Dara Daugherty and her associates for allegedly running a 39-property illegal rooming house operation throughout south city, Brentwood shut down an illegal rooming house Daugherty was running there. This house was also apparently Daugherty’s personal residence.
For years, neighbors say, Daugherty’s house stuck out like a sore thumb on the quiet, otherwise picturesque Rosalie Avenue, between Brentwood Boulevard and South Hanley Road. Lawn mowers, old mattresses, tires and bicycles cluttered the backyard. A revolving group of people came and went from the property.
Then, last Wednesday, neighbors say that several police cars, including a canine officer, showed up outside the house along with a dump truck. Several other municipal workers began clearing the backyard of its debris.
One resident of Rosalie, who asked to remain anonymous, told the RFT they weren’t surprised by the need to haul away so much junk and debris.
“She’s a hoarder,” they said.
That same day, the city of Brentwood served five summons at the address, citing it for, among other things, junk, debris and an outdoor pool that had no permit. According to the summons, Daugherty was also using the Brentwood home as a rooming house in an area zoned for single family occupancy.