Opinion: No more ‘D’ or ‘F’ grades? Grade inflation is masking a looming crisis of ignorance

I told my students on the first day of class this semester that I do not accept late work under any circumstances. Instead, I’m going to treat them like adults. They can drop their worst two homework grades during the semester, so they are to use those drops wisely. After that, they are out of luck.

The second week of school, I received no fewer than 15 emails from different students asking for extensions.

What is wrong with students today? For one thing, they have learned from experience that professors will roll over and give them better grades and no consequences for poor or late work.

This is the educators’ fault, of course. We have created a generation with no concept of what it takes or what it means to succeed.

Take the Oregon university that just announced it will no longer give students failing letter grades. That’s right — no more “D” and “F” grades, because failing grades supposedly mask students’ “demonstrated abilities.” If you fail, then no grade goes on your record. This is their plan to mask your demonstrated inability to keep up and do the work.

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