This week, for his Roaming St. Louis segment, KMOX host Scott Jagow got an invitation to the Nabisco Mansion in the Central West End. The 12,000-square foot home, built in the 1890s, has 21 rooms, including 11 bathrooms, and 15 fireplaces. It’s also on the market for less than $2 million!
Scott chats with owner Joy Christensen, a.k.a. Joy Grdnic of radio and TV fame (she also owned Fountain on Locust), about the home, its history, the sale and much more. Listen below.
Joy Christensen, co-owner of 10 Westmoreland Place, along with her husband Ron. It’s also known as the “Nabisco Mansion,” due to its original owner Photo credit Scott Jagow
Beautiful and rare wood exists throughout the Nabisco Mansion. Photo credit Scott Jagow
You’ll find gorgeous stained glass in nearly every room in the 12,000-square foot home Photo credit Scott Jagow
This hemi-dome projects music in perfect acoustic precision throughout the Nabisco Mansion Photo credit Scott Jagow
The mansion is one of many stately homes on Westmoreland Place in Central West End. Photo credit Scott Jagow
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