Missouri teen arrested for threatening shooting at West Virginia high school

MORGANTOWN, WV (LOOTPRESS) – Nickolas Vadim Moore, 18, of St. Louis, Missouri, has been arrested following an investigation by the Morgantown Police Department into threats of a shooting at Morgantown High School.

According to the Morgantown Police Department, on August 28, 2024, the Morgantown Police became aware of a social media post threatening a shooting at the high school.

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Detectives, working alongside the FBI and Monongalia County Schools, quickly identified a suspect and interviewed him the same day.

Authorities determined there was no immediate danger to the school or its students. The suspect, located in St. Louis, was found to have used airsoft guns in the threatening post.

Moore was arrested on September 20 by the St. Louis County Police on a warrant for Threats of Terroristic Acts.

He was extradited to West Virginia on October 4, where he was processed and arraigned in Monongalia County Magistrate Court. Moore was released on a $30,000 bond.

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